About Y Küken Logo
Y Küken LOGO(Yoko Kanno Certification Logo)

This Trade mark appears only the product that Yoko certify the quality after 2017.
For sound source products such as CDs, not only the quality of the arrangement but also the overall sound quality is a requirement for certification. For this reason, there are products that are certified and products that are not certified, even if they are the same recording. Of course, if Yoko has no influence on important processes, the certification will not be granted.
Products released after 2017, when this mark was created, may have this mark.
- The following products are certified, with or without the logo
- Music sheets sold on this website
- Works uploaded to the official SEATBELES Youtube site
- Products with the logo
- NHK Historical Drama "Onna Jouju Naotora" Music Toranomaki Ichitra
- NHK Historical Drama "Onna Jouju Naotora" Music Toranomaki Niitora
- NHK Historical Drama "Onna Jouju Naotora" Music Toranomaki Santora
- Cowboy Bebop (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series) -Extended
- "The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House" Original Soundtrack
- Products that do not bear the logo but are equivalent to certified products
*But only created by Yoko Kanno.