This site is exclusively for the purchase of scores edited or arranged personally by composer Yoko Kanno, including versions used in the actual recordings.

The sale of various TANK! T-shirts and uniforms has now concluded.
Please refer to this link for shipping status.

If you have purchased a score at us and still have not received an email to download, please contact us using this contact form.

We are currently investigating and responding to this problem.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Official Website has opened!

About Overseas Shipping

Due to current restrictions on international shipping, we may not be able to ship to certain countries and regions.

Temporary suspension of international mail acceptance(Japanese only)

⇒Latest situation(Japanese only)

For orders received by June 25 to countries and regions that cannot be shipped at the time of shipping,

1. We will contact you by email and ask you if you wish to keep the order or cancel it.

2. If you want to keep your order, we will ship it once the post office starts accepting you by email and ask you if you wish to keep the order or cancel it.

3. If you wish to change your shipping method SAL to EMS, we will accept and ask the difference.

Current shipping status

The following countries/regions are scheduled to ship on June 29.

-Japan, Poland, Austria, Taiwan and

Orders for other countries and regions may be placed in our storage until we will be able to ship.

-US, Italy, and so on.

After June 26, orders for the countries or regions we can't send for will be handled as follows.

Order and pay now:

Please order as before. Payment will be made at the time of order.

It will be shipped after the post office will start accepting it.

Order and pay later:

⇒Please use this form to list your name on waiting list (under construction).

When we are ready to ship or when our stock is low, we will contact you by email. We will accept your order in three days at that time. Payment will be made at the time of order. Be sure no stock will be drawn for you until you will have ordered.

Thank you for your cooperation.